Committed to maximizing your impact.
Our services aim to improve knowledge, enhance practices, inform decision-making and make evidence-based information on child development accessible, in order to support those involved with children.
Training courses
Our various training courses aim to support children’s well-being and prevent social and academic maladjustment difficulties. They are intended for early childhood educators, preschool and primary school teachers, as well as all those working with children (student’s attendant, pedagogical consultant, psychoeducator, resource teacher, daycare educator, and others).
All our training courses are evidence-based and enable participants to implement science into their professional practice.
A wide range of training courses
Training on research-based programs such as Minipally and La Forêt de l’alphabet.
Psychosocial training on topics such as emotions, social skills, anxiety and intervention guidelines.
Training on screening tools designed to support professionals in implementing appropriate interventions.
The Encyclopedia
The Encyclopedia is a comprehensive, reliable, and freely available reference tool dedicated to promoting greater accessibility and dissemination of the best knowledge on early childhood development.
Intended for service providers, service planners, policymakers and parents, the Encyclopedia covers more than 50 topics from three different angles – development, services, and policies – aimed at deepening knowledge to support decision-making.
The Encyclopedia relies on an impressive international network of experts who collect, synthesize and comment on the latest scientific knowledge on early childhood development, in their respective fields of expertise.
Services for researchers
Maximizing research impact: A unique service for the scientific community
This service aims to support researchers in maximizing their knowledge mobilization efforts and increasing the impact of their work. While ensuring that the rigor of shared scientific recommendations is respected, we tailor research results in a variety of formats to be relevant and credible for different audiences and ensure that this knowledge is widely disseminated.
Our aim is to make recent, hard-hitting research results more accessible, in order to advance knowledge and support decisions leading to the implementation of best practices to improve the current and future well-being of our children.
What makes us unique:
A highly experienced team
Our highly experienced team has over 30 years of experience in simplifying and disseminating knowledge about child development. We strive to fulfill both funding objectives and community expectations by helping researchers to disseminate new evidence more widely and reach their audiences more effectively.
Commitment to the scientific community
Our approach is based on dialogue and rigor. We are committed to collaborating closely with researchers to help them achieve their knowledge mobilization targets.
By choosing Abilio, you’re opting for a partner dedicated to bridging the gap between knowledge and decision making, and transforming research into concrete actions.