Explore our preventive intervention programs designed using proven best practices. These evidence-based programs are designed to support children’s well-being and prevent social and academic maladjustment.

0 to 5 years


Social skills training program to prevent violence and social rejection.

Minipally offers early childhood educators 17 workshops for all the children in their group, using the Minipally puppet.

5 year old kindergarten


Violence and school dropout prevention program.

Fluppy provides teachers with 20 social skills training workshops, using puppets who go on different adventures.

5 year old kindergarten

Forêt de l’alphabet

Reading difficulties prevention program for kindergarten.

La Forêt de l’alphabet supports learning to read by providing teachers with fun activities that promote reading success in French.

5 year old kindergarten

Sentier de l’alphabet

Targeted intervention program to prevent reading and writing difficulties.

Sentier de l’alphabet is a Level 2 intervention program run by remedial educators, for students who do not benefit fully from a universal Level 1 program such as La Forêt de l’alphabet.

3 to 5 years

Les aventures de Mimi et ses amis

Prevention program for language and reading difficulties.

The Mimi et ses amis program offers educators an approach that exposes all the children in their group to new, rich and targeted vocabulary words, the precursors to success in learning to read.

5 year old preschool


Prevention program for numeracy difficulties.

The MathMat program offers a series of fun activities on mathematical concepts based on two themes: number and spatial structuring.


Depending on the program, teaching materials may be required. Consult our online store.